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Recommendation Tables

Recommendations Table 1.png

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Litter in lockdown

a study of littering in the time of coronavirus by Cat Chapman & Karen Bomford for CPRE, the countryside charity

CPRE Recommendations


  1. Deliver systemic solutions to littering:
    1.1.  Commit to an ‘all-in’ Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) that includes glass, plastic and metal drinks containers of all sizes by the end of 2023. Applying a deposit to drinks containers prevents them being littered.

    1.2.  Introduce a full Extended Producer Responsibility scheme (EPR) by the end of 2023 that is transparent, accurate and detailed and which provides full end of life costs, to specific types of materials. Fees to producers should be sufficiently modulated in order to incentivise eco-design and to drive a continued reduction in the production and sale of single-use plastics. Fees should also cover the costs of street cleansing and any targeted anti-littering campaigns.

    1.3.  Use a combination of taxes and charges, combined with full extended producer responsibility, to incentivise a reduction in single-use items and packaging right across the supply chain. Charges on single-use items, such as cutlery, must cover all single-use items and not just plastic to guarantee against a rise in wasting other valuable materials.

  2. Support the promotion of the Countryside Code, with its clear anti-littering guidance, through online advertising and engagement with schools. 

  3. Renewed government commitment to the aims of the Litter Strategy for different local groups, National Parks, local authorities, Highways England and businesses to reduce litter through co-operation, collaboration and joint working.



Promote the benefits of re-usable masks wherever possible, emphasising their safety, and encourage people to dispose of any single-use masks responsibly when these are used.


For further information see here.

Summary of CPRE Report Recommendations


A Scarab Trust Initiative

as part of the Plastic Action Project




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