For another year Keep Britain Tidy will safely bring communities together across the country, to help clean the litter that blights our beaches, beauty spots and streets. Keeping the current government guidelines in mind individuals, schools, councils, local groups and businesses are being encouraged to help keep local communities clean, green and litter-free.
Our outdoor spaces have proved more important than ever before this past year, and that’s why this year we’re aiming to collectively achieve a million miles of litter-picking with The Great British Spring Clean.
As the UK's largest mass-action environmental campaign, we are hoping this year will be bigger and better than ever. Remember to take photographs on your litter pick and share with us and the Daily Mail on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
If it fits, you can place the litter you’ve picked straight into your own outdoor bins at home. If you do plan to collect a large amount of litter, speak to your local authority ahead of your activity to get advice about what to do with it. If possible, please separate the litter you find into three bags so as much as possible can be recycled:
1. Plastic bottles 2. Aluminium cans 3. General waste.