Cleanup UK: "Local authorities play a key role in street cleansing, clearing litter and rubbish, collecting waste, emptying bins and providing waste disposal and recycling facilities. They also have enforcement powers to fine litterers and fly-tippers, to specify household refuse collection rules or check that businesses have appropriate arrangements for disposing of waste.
All local authorities are structured differently but all will have a department that deals with environmental issues. It’s a good idea to make contact with these officers in your council (sometimes they’re neighbourhood based) as they will be a great source of advice and support. Find your local authority here:
Your local councillor is there to represent the best interests of the local area. They’re also an important link with council services and can raise matters with officials and elected members on your behalf. Find your local councillor here:
If you believe that a decision made by government affects your area you can contact you MP. Find your MP here: